Josh and Richard debut Homeboy on iOS at the Geeks Network meetup (Photo: Anthony Raynor) |
This weekend, Homeboys Josh Pollard and Richard Gunther previewed our latest developments at the Geeks Network meetup in Fishers, Indiana. Richard joined remotely to demonstrate our forthcoming iOS app, while Josh showed off our work on a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) solution for Windows 10 devices. The hit of the demonstration was a preview of the UWP app working on an Xbox.
Josh previews an early version of Homeboy on Xbox |
Many thanks to Dave McCabe, Jim Collison, and the many others who made this year’s meet up a great success, as it always is.
We also want to thank the folks at Insteon, who helped us out by providing hardware for the demonstration and an Insteon starter kit to use as a giveaway at the meet up.